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work injuryThe best thing you can do to ensure you receive workers’ compensation benefits after being injured at work is to make sure your work injury is well-documented and promptly reported.

As soon as possible after a workplace injury occurs, inform a supervisor that you have experienced a work-related accident. If you are unable to report your injury because of your medical condition, have a family member or healthcare provider notify your employer as soon as possible.

If your injury makes you eligible for workers’ compensation, reporting it to your employer gets the ball rolling on your claim. If you qualify, you receive benefits which includes payment for all medical care and two-thirds of your average weekly wages while you are unable to work. Other benefits may be due if you are permanently injured.

If your employer disputes your workers’ compensation claim, you should speak to a workers’ compensation lawyer to discuss your legal rights. The workers’ compensation attorneys of Younce, Vtipil, Baznik & Banks, P.A., in Raleigh, North Carolina, can help you demand the full benefits provided by North Carolina law after a serious on-the-job injury. Attorneys Chip Younce and David E. Vtipil are Board Certified Specialists in Workers’ Compensation Law. Contact us today for a free claim review.

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How to Properly Report an Injury at Work

You should report an accident at work as soon as possible. However, getting immediate medical attention takes priority. If you need emergency medical care following a workplace accident, call 911 immediately.

Here are the steps to take after a workplace accident:

  • Notify a Manager or Supervisor. Someone in charge at your workplace must know that a work-related injury occurred as soon as possible. Even if you can only manage to say, “Somebody tell the boss,” try to get it on the record that an accident happened and you’ve been hurt.
  • Seek Medical Treatment. In an emergency involving a severe injury, you or a co-worker should summon an ambulance. In a non-emergency, ask whether your employer has a designated healthcare provider to treat work-related injuries. If your employer directs you to a specific provider, follow their instructions. Be sure to tell the doctor who examines you that you were injured at work while on the job.
  • Document the Accident. Start a record of what happened to you. If someone can get photos or video that depicts the accident — the fallen ladder you were on, the collapsed trench, the toppled shelves, the motor vehicle collision — that is helpful to have. Write down or make an audio recording of the time of the accident, what work you were doing, who you were working with, and the names of any witnesses. Make copies of official documents, such as from your medical exam, medical bills, and receipts, and any correspondence from your employer or the workers’ compensation carrier.
  • Follow Up. Once you miss seven days of work on a doctor’s written excuse, you qualify for wage loss benefits. At this point, you should contact your employer to see whether your employer has filed a claim with their workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Your employer should file notice of your injury with the N.C. Industrial Commission within five days of being notified by you of your injury.
  • File for Workers’ Compensation. You and your employer must both file a claim for you to receive workers’ compensation. You or someone helping you must complete Form 18. Submit the original Form 18 to the Industrial Commission. Keep one copy for your records and submit a copy to your employer. Your employer, their insurer, or the N.C. Industrial Commission will notify you within 14 days whether your claim has been accepted or denied.

If you have been told that your workers’ comp claim has been denied, contact a workers’ comp lawyer at Younce, Vtipil, Baznik & Banks, P.A. We will assess your claim at no charge. If we handle your claim, we will fight to help you recover every dollar you deserve.

Mistakes to Avoid When Reporting a Work Injury

Each of the steps above helps document the accident you were involved in and the workplace injury you suffered. This will be helpful if your claim is challenged.

Here are common mistakes an injured worker may make after a workplace accident that you should avoid:

  • Not Getting Medical Attention. Don’t tough it out at home after being hurt. You’ll need a doctor’s diagnosis to qualify for workers’ comp benefits, including paid medical treatment. If your employer tells you what doctor to see, you have to see that doctor and follow their orders to receive benefits.
  • Failing to Identify a Work Injury. Workers’ compensation is for injuries suffered while on the job. Be specific with your doctor about what work duties you were engaged in when you sustained workplace injuries.
  • Misrepresenting Facts. Don’t embellish your injury or the accident. Don’t downplay your injuries, either.
  • Not Reporting an Injury Promptly. Sooner is better when dealing with workers’ compensation. It’s better to report an injury in as much detail as possible while memories are fresh. Waiting to file a claim only delays your receipt of benefits you will need while out of work.

Get Legal Help from Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

One of the biggest mistakes injured workers make is failing to speak with a workers’ comp attorney about their legal rights after a workplace accident. Many injured workers are persuaded by their employers, co-workers, or others not to seek the benefits they deserve.

Get accurate information about your eligibility for workers’ compensation during a free case review. A workers’ compensation lawyer from Younce, Vtipil, Baznik & Banks, P.A., in Raleigh can discuss your legal options. If you are eligible for workers’ comp benefits, we will help you pursue the full benefits allowed by law. We won’t charge you a fee unless we recover money for you. Schedule your free consultation today.

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