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Year: 2024

“¿Puedo demandar a mi empleador por condiciones de trabajo inseguras en Carolina del Norte?” Puede que se haga esta pregunta si se ha lesionado o desarrollado una condición médica como resultado de un entorno laboral inseguro. Demandar a su empleador en el derecho común (lo que significa presentar una demanda…

“Can I sue my employer for unsafe working conditions in North Carolina?” You may ask this question if you’ve been injured or developed a medical condition resulting from an unsafe work environment. Suing your employer in common law (meaning filing suit in district or superior court to get compensation for…

What are punitive damages in a car accident case? Punitive damages are a type of compensation that people may recover through personal injury lawsuits. They punish an at-fault party for egregiously wrongful acts and are meant to deter similar conduct in the future. Punitive damages are rarely awarded in North Carolina…

In North Carolina, workers’ compensation insurance covers medical expenses and partial lost income for employees who suffer injuries on the job. Under state law, all businesses with three or more employees must carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect their employees. Workers’ compensation covers injured workers who are injured while performing…

Employers must pay a death benefit for a covered employee who dies within six years of sustaining a compensable injury or being diagnosed with an occupational disease or within two years of the final determination of the employee’s disability as part of a workers’ compensation claim, whichever is later.  NC General…

North Carolina has one of the strictest standards in the nation for recovering compensation in a car accident. North Carolina personal injury law follows a doctrine known as “pure contributory negligence.” According to this rule, if the person who files a car accident personal injury claim contributed to their own…

Increases in Required Auto Liability Coverage Limits Will Help Injured People in North Carolina, Personal Injury Attorney Robert C. Younce Says Changes to Underinsured Motorist Coverage Also Benefit Seriously Injured People Increases in the required minimum auto insurance liability limits are good news for people seriously injured in a car…

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