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Legal Blog

Algunos empleadores sin escrúpulos responden a un accidente laboral amenazando con denunciar a un trabajador indocumentado al control de inmigración si reclama beneficios de compensación laboral. Si es un trabajador indocumentado en Carolina del Norte, tiene todos los derechos y recursos legales proporcionados por las leyes federales y estatales, incluyendo…

When a group of people have been injured in the same way by an unsafe product or defective drug, for example, those injured may find that a lawsuit is better pursued as a class action. There are some advantages to requesting that the court combine individual lawsuits into a single…

An injured person may demand compensation for their pain and suffering as part of seeking compensation for accident-related losses. Pain and suffering damages reimburse you for the physical discomfort and emotional distress you have endured because of someone else’s negligence. The question is how much money for pain and suffering is…

When I wrote about a workers’ comp case recently and posted it, I got a lot of encouraging responses. Well, here goes again. I write this with the permission of my client’s family. In late 2017 I was contacted by the father of a 2 ½-year-old girl who was hospitalized…

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