Substance Abuse and Child Custody in North Carolina

parent dealing with substance abuse

Substance abuse is a grave concern in child custody cases, and North Carolina courts take allegations and evidence of substance abuse seriously. When making custody decisions, the court’s primary goal is to ensure the child’s well-being and safety. Here’s how substance abuse can influence child custody determinations in North Carolina:

Best Interests of the Child

As in all child custody cases, the court’s primary standard is the “best interests of the child.” Substance abuse by a parent can significantly jeopardize their claim to custody if it’s determined that their behavior may endanger or adversely affect the child.

Evidence of Substance Abuse

Mere allegations of substance abuse may not be sufficient to influence a custody decision. There needs to be substantial evidence, which can include:

  • Police reports
  • DUI convictions
  • Medical records
  • Testimonies from credible witnesses
  • Positive drug tests

Impact on Custody and Visitation Rights

If a court determines that a parent has a substance abuse problem:

Custody: That parent may be deemed unfit for primary or joint custody until they can demonstrate recovery and stability.

Visitation: Visitation rights may also be affected. The court might order supervised visits or stipulate conditions such as negative drug tests before visits. In extreme cases, visitation might be denied entirely until the parent can prove they are addressing their substance abuse problem.

Rehabilitation and Recovery

North Carolina courts recognize that individuals can recover from substance abuse issues. If a parent can demonstrate they are actively engaging in rehabilitation – through therapy, support groups, or other treatments – and maintain sobriety, it can positively influence their bid for custody or increased visitation rights.

Relapse Concerns

Even after a parent demonstrates recovery, the court may still have concerns about potential relapses. The court might require periodic drug tests or other measures to ensure the child’s safety remains a priority.

Legal Representation Is Crucial

Given the serious implications of substance abuse on child custody decisions, it’s essential for parents, whether they’re facing accusations or are concerned about the other parent’s substance abuse, to have competent legal representation. A family law attorney can ensure that the parent’s rights are upheld, present evidence effectively, and advocate for the child’s best interests.


Substance abuse and child custody are sensitive issues in North Carolina, where the child’s best interests guide court decisions. It’s crucial to address any substance abuse problems proactively and transparently, and, if involved in a custody dispute with this factor, to seek knowledgeable legal counsel to navigate the complexities of the situation.

Get in Touch with Our North Carolina Family Lawyers

Going through a child custody case can feel really stressful, especially those intertwined with substance abuse issues in North Carolina. Having a dedicated and compassionate family attorney by your side can make a difference in getting a positive outcome for you and your loved ones. Our legal team is committed to providing you with the personalized representation you need during these challenging times. If you’re facing a child custody case impacted by substance abuse, don’t go through it alone. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can support you in protecting your family’s well-being and future.

About the Author

Younce, Vtipil, Baznik & Banks, P.A.
At Younce, Vtipil, Baznik & Banks, P.A., our clients work closely with a legal team that is dedicated to providing outstanding client service and unflinching legal representation. The majority of our attorneys and support staff have worked with our firm for many years.