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injured on the jobNobody wants to be the new employee who gets injured on the first day of a new job. If this happens to you, and you are put out of work by a workplace injury as soon as you start a new job, you should be able to rely on workers’ compensation benefits to pay your medical bills and provide other benefits.

Most employers in North Carolina are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to protect their employees. If you are a qualifying employee, you have workers’ compensation coverage on Day One of your new job. But, like many long-term employees, you may find yourself running into resistance about workers’ compensation benefits after being injured. Workers’ compensation is a complex program. Some employers try to withhold payment of workers’ compensation benefits, especially to workers who are new to a job.

If you are employed in North Carolina, you are most likely covered by workers’ compensation insurance paid for by your employer. If anyone says that you are not eligible for paid medical treatment or other workers’ compensation benefits after a workplace injury, you need to speak to a Raleigh workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible.

The workers’ compensation lawyers at Younce, Vtipil, Baznik & Banks, P.A., can help you seek the full workers’ compensation benefits available after suffering debilitating injuries on the job. Our legal team includes Chip Younce and David E. Vtipil, who are both board-certified specialists in workers’ compensation law. We help injured workers file workers comp claims and pursue all the benefits available under the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act.

Reach out online or at 919-661-9000 now. If you can’t come to us, we can come to you or meet with you virtually.

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What To Do if You Have Been Injured on Your First Day at Work

Employees who are new to a job often get into workplace accidents because of a lack of training, supervision, or safety equipment. Some new employees just fall prey to bad luck.

On your first few days at a new job, you will likely be closely supervised. If you get into an accident and are injured, you need to notify your supervisor as soon as possible. You should receive immediate help and any medical attention you need.

Under N.C. workers’ compensation rules, you have 30 days after suffering an occupational injury to notify your employer in writing of your need for workers’ compensation benefits. A worker who is injured in a workplace accident on the first day on the job becomes eligible for wage benefits once he or she has missed seven days of work because of the injury.

After an on-the-job accident, you should:

  • Initiate your workers’ comp claim by filing a Form 18 Notice of Accident (or Form 18B for lung diseases) with the North Carolina Industrial Commission, which administers the workers’ comp system.
  • Notify your supervisor of the accident.
  • Obtain necessary medical care.
  • Follow doctor’s orders, such as to stay home from work.
  • Notify your supervisor in writing of the doctor’s diagnosis.
  • After seven days out of work, notify your employer of your request for temporary total disability benefits for lost wages.

If you get any push-back on your workers’ compensation request from your employer or their workers’ compensation insurance carrier, you need to contact an experienced Raleigh workers’ compensation lawyer for a free initial consultation about pursuing a claim. Our North Carolina workers’ compensation attorneys can help you file a Form 18 and provide additional help to seek benefits for a work-related injury.

To talk to one of our experienced workers’ comp attorneys in North Carolina, call (877) 287-5385

Don’t Be Afraid to Report Your Injury on Your First Day

Workers’ compensation insurance is no-fault coverage for employees. It’s a right provided to most injured employees under North Carolina law. The N.C. Retaliatory Employment Discrimination Act (REDA) prohibits employers from retaliating against employees who, in good faith, engage in certain activities protected under 11 state statutes, including filing a workers’ compensation claim.

REDA complaints are investigated by the N.C. Department of Labor, which may issue a right‑to‑sue letter or may initiate its own lawsuit if widespread wrongdoing occurs. In a lawsuit, the employee may be awarded compensation for lost wages, lost benefits, and other economic losses caused by the retaliatory action, and the amount awarded may be tripled if the court finds that the employer violated the law willfully.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits Are Available Immediately to Eligible Employees

If you have been injured on the job, medical benefits are immediately available.

If you are hurt badly enough to be out of work for more than seven days, you are likely eligible for payment of two-thirds of your average weekly wages while you remain out of work.

Typically, an injured employee’s average weekly wage is based on actual earnings during the previous 52 weeks on the job, including overtime, bonuses, etc. If the employee has not been on the job for a year, the benefit is based on the total amount of money earned while they’ve been employed divided by the number of weeks worked.

Since you do not have this time, your claim could be based on the average weekly wages of a person in the same pay grade and/or with a similar position or job duties as yours.

If there’s disagreement over how your average weekly wage should be calculated, the N.C. Industrial Commission will settle it. Our workers’ compensation attorneys can negotiate with your employer and advocate for your benefit to be based on income estimates that are fair to you.

Younce Vtipil Baznik & Banks personal injury law team

Contact Our Experienced Raleigh Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

The Raleigh workers’ compensation lawyers at Younce, Vtipil, Baznik & Banks, P.A., will stand up for your rights if you have been injured on the job, no matter how long you have been employed. can take care of your claim from start to finish to ensure that you are treated fairly by your employer and receive the benefits you deserve.

Call us now at 919-661-9000 or contact us online to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. Let’s discuss your legal options after a work-related injury. We understand your challenges and will provide you with dedicated legal services and the personal care and attention you deserve.

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